December’s 10 Questions

Thanks to L over at Viva Carlos for December’s 10 questions!


1. What size horse do you prefer to ride? I feel safest on large ponies, but I like jumping big horses better, like Mabou, who is 17 hands.  The jumps feel smaller!

2. Do you school in tall boots or half chaps and paddock boots? Half chaps and paddock boots.  The tall boots only come out for shows, hunter paces, and fox hunting.

3. What do you do with your ribbons after shows? Hang them in my kitchen until hubby moves them and they end up stuffed somewhere.

4. Do you ride/board at a large show barn or a small private barn? My barn is a medium size facility with one trainer and probably around 30 boarders.

5. Have you ever seen a horse give birth? Yes, when I was 7 or 8 so I don’t remember much.

6. What is your favorite breed? This has changed since I got Mabou,  I used to love warmbloods but now I love my TB, he has so much heart and “try”.

7. Favorite tack brand? County

8. Would you ever buy used tack? yes, if it was in great condition

9. Ever been on a carriage ride? Yes several times in New York City

10. How often do you go to the tack store? Probably once every few months.  Most of my horse related purchases are made online.

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